Local.ch is a leading directory company in Switzerland and belongs to Swisscom Directories AG. Local.ch offers an online platform where users can find information on businesses, services, telephone numbers and addresses in Switzerland. The platform allows users to search for stores, restaurants, service providers and other businesses in their area.
The information service, which is still used by many end customers in Switzerland, needs to be completely renewed and streamlined. The application has been sourced from an external partner for 20 years. The new platform is to be operated in the cloud without any reduction in reliability and availability.
The solution retrieves information from Swisscom Directories AG and stores it in a database optimized for searches (SOLR). Call agents can input search queries via a client GUI (which was revamped by an external manufacturer a year ago). Using various mechanisms (e.g., phonetic search, word rotation search, enabling terms to be found in a different order, or searching in the vicinity of a location), the system searches for relevant entries.
When one or more entries are located, the call agent can decide how they should be relayed to the end customer. This integration is within a telephony environment that has been in use for several years.
The solution incorporates modern technologies and is designed to be fail-safe. Monitoring and alerting ensure that potential failures are detected early or, ideally, prevented altogether.
Thierry Sallin
Project manager
+41 32 625 76 55